Diamond Dance


p: 0424082583
1/1 Winton road
Joondalup, WA, 6027, AU

Member Details

YAY! You are booking our Sweat or Sparkle Open Day! Please fill in your details and choose which combo you would like to do!

Diamond Dance Trial Class Terms & Conditions
  • Trial classes are non-refundable
  • We will endeavour to reschedule you within that trial class block with 24 hour notice that you are unable to attend
Diamond Dance Waiver & Release

I {Full Name} confirm that I am fit and healthy to participate in pole dancing.

I understand that pole dancing is a physical activity and I release Diamond Dance and it's staff of any liability and responsibility for any injuries, damages or loss sustained while at Diamond Dance.

Trial Class
Sweat or Sparkle Pass
Membership Summary
Membership: Sweat or Sparkle Pass
Starts: immediately
Expires: after 2 months
Payment: one-off payment of $20.00

Payment Authority
Electronic Consent